Important Questions And Answers Partial Differential Equations
Z 2x a 2 y b (2) Solve D2 2DDc D2 z 0 (3)Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants a and b from the x y z2 p 2xyq 2xz 0 (ii) Solve D 2 DDc 2D c2 z 2x 3y e3x 4 y (4)(i) Solve z2 p2 q2 x2 y2 (ii) Solve D2 3DDc 4 Dc2 z n y There is no common factor, and no common bracket EAch term can be factored by differemce of squares xy(x^2y^2) yz(y^2z^2) zx(z^2x^2) =xy(xy)(xy) yz(yz)(yz) zx(zx)(zx) The only other option would be to multiply out the brackets and try a different grouping, but I don not think it will produce a better result than this